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Are Dentures Difficult to Get Used to?

Are Dentures Difficult to Get Used to?

More than 40 million people in the United States use dentures, so if you need them, you’re certainly not alone. 

Dentures are a common solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring function and aesthetics, especially if you’re not eligible for dental implants. When you first get dentures, they require some adjustment when it comes to feel and function.

Here at Advanced Care Dentistry, Thomas O. Marxen, DDS, MSD, and the team want to make your transition to dentures as smooth as possible. Read on to learn more about transitioning to dentures and how you can get used to them with minimal disruption.

All about dentures

Dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissue. The two main types of dentures are: 

At Advanced Care Dentistry, we custom-make dentures to fit the unique contours of your mouth. This means your dentures provide the best possible support for your facial muscles and enable you to chew, speak, and smile with confidence.

Adjusting to dentures

Most people need a little time to adjust when transitioning to dentures. It’s normal to notice initial changes in your speech, chewing efficiency, and overall comfort. You can expect to undergo:

Speech changes

When you first wear dentures, your ability to pronounce certain sounds may be affected. With practice and patience, however, you will adapt and regain clarity of speech over time.

Eating challenges

Adjusting to eating with dentures may require patience and experimentation with different foods and chewing techniques. Start with soft foods cut into small pieces and gradually reintroduce harder foods as you become more accustomed to your dentures.


Most people experience mild soreness, irritation, or pressure on the gums as their mouths adjust to wearing dentures. This discomfort typically subsides over 2-4 weeks as your mouth adapts to the dentures. 

How to help the adjustment process

If you want to help your mouth get used to dentures, make sure you maintain good oral hygiene by cleaning your dentures daily and brushing your gums and remaining natural teeth (if you have any) with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Start by wearing your dentures for short periods, gradually increasing wear time as you become more comfortable. 

To improve speech, read aloud or practice speaking exercises to improve your speech clarity and adjust to the feel of the dentures in your mouth.

At regular visits, we will monitor your oral health and ensure the proper fit and function of your dentures. We can also make any necessary adjustments during these appointments.

It does take a little time to get used to wearing dentures, but with patience, practice, and proper care, you should adapt successfully to wearing them. If you’re experiencing persistent discomfort or difficulties with your dentures, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office for help. Our team is here to support you every step of the way on your journey to a healthy, confident smile with dentures.


Call the office of Advanced Care Dentistry or use this website to book an appointment.


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