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COVID-19 Safety Measures


Coronavirus COVID-19 Safety Measures:


Here at Advanced Care Dentistry, your health and well-being have always been our top priority. We are continuing to exceed the CDC guidelines for the COVID-19 coronavirus and are doing everything in our power to keep you healthy while we take care of your dental needs. For your protection, we are taking the following steps to safeguard your dental experience and ask that you read our COVID-19 protocol below.


We will continue to see patients if they are not showing symptoms such as fever, persistent coughing, or shortness of breath.

Patient Screening: Upon arrival, we will be conducting forehead thermometer temperature checks on everyone prior to entering the office. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 F, or higher, will be rescheduled.

Patients Only: Only patients will be permitted into the office with the exception of our younger patients. In those cases, we’ll allow only one (1) parent or childcare provider to enter with the patient.

Modified Check-In Process: Upon arrival, please wait in your car and call our new ‘Patient Readiness Line’ (425) 485-8079. We will send someone out to greet you and take your temperature.

Sanitizing & Disinfecting: All public spaces, including treatment rooms, restrooms, and waiting-rooms are being sanitized with Medical-Grade Disinfectant sprays after every patient is seen (per CDC guidelines), including high touch areas such as chairs, counters, and equipment.

Reduced Aerosols: Aerosols created during the appointment are suctioned with high volume ejectors by our assistants or our newly installed high-volume suction arms for our hygienists to help further prevent the spread of spray and particulate droplets. 

Protective Barriers: New barriers for each patient will be placed on items such as overhead lights, X-ray sensors, computer keyboards, and curing lights.

Sterile Instruments: Dental instruments are sterilized after every patient. CDC protocols are strictly adhered to in assuring proper sterilization of dental instruments.

Staff Screening: No staff with a temperature of 100.4 or higher, or showing symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or trouble breathing, will be permitted in the practice.

Daily Use of Hypochlorous Acid: We will be fogging the entire office every evening with Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL). This process is highly effective at killing viruses, bacteria, and fungi on all surfaces and air while being safe and non-toxic to humans. (Fun fact: HOCL occurs naturally in the human body and is produced by cells in your immune system!)


We value your trust and will continue to monitor the situation, adapting precautionary measures where needed. For the latest information on COVID-19, please CLICK HERE to visit the CDC website.


Advanced Care Dentistry
13515 NE 175th Street, Suite B
Woodinville, WA 98072
Phone: 425-483-2442
Fax: 425-485-0764

Office Hours

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