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Can I Accelerate Healing After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Can I Accelerate Healing After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

About 5 million people have their wisdom teeth removed each year. If you’re scheduled for the procedure, you may be concerned about caring for your teeth, eating, and activity following. Plus, you want the swelling and discomfort to disappear as soon as possible — so you can get back to normal life!

There are ways to make a recovery after wisdom teeth removal faster with reduced risk of complications. At Advanced Care Dentistry, Thomas O. Marxen, DDS, MSD, and the experienced dental team offer the following strategies to accelerate healing so you have a smooth recovery after wisdom teeth removal.

 1. Follow the post-operative instructions

We provide you with specific post-operative instructions. They will include information about:

We also recommend not to smoke or drink alcohol for a few days or weeks following surgery, as both can impede proper healing.

 2. Attend to the surgical sites

While you need to avoid vigorously brushing around the area of the surgical sites, you can still clean your mouth to prevent infection. Rinse your mouth with saltwater and lightly brush your front teeth, even while healing.

3. Stay on top of swelling

Swelling is a common symptom after wisdom teeth removal. To minimize it and the associated discomfort, apply an ice pack to the outside of your cheek in 20-minute intervals during the first 48 hours after your procedure. After these 48 hours, switch to a warm compress to reduce discomfort. 

4. Maintain your hydration levels

Dehydration slows down the healing process. Drink plenty of water, but avoid using straws for the first few weeks after surgery. The sucking motion can dislodge the blood clots that form on the extraction sites.

5. Be wise at mealtime

A soft diet filled with nutritious foods helps you heal in the initial days after surgery. Opt for easy to chew and swallow foods, like mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding, and smoothies. Spicy and hot foods can irritate the surgical sites.

6. Be smart about activity

You may need extra rest the day of and after your procedure. You’ll want to avoid strenuous physical activity for several days to prevent dislodging the blood clots that form in the sockets.

7. Attend scheduled follow-up appointments

We will schedule a follow-up appointment about a week after your surgical procedure. This appointment is a time for us to assess your progress, remove any sutures (if necessary), and ensure that you’re healing correctly.

If you notice any unusual symptoms or are concerned about your healing rate, do not hesitate to reach out to Advanced Care Dentistry.

 Although healing times after wisdom teeth removal vary, following these tips can help you promote optimal recovery from the procedure. These strategies also help you avoid unnecessary complications. 

 Here at Advanced Care Dentistry, your oral health is our priority. If you have questions about wisdom teeth or any other oral health concerns, call the office or reach out via this website to schedule an appointment.

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