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Do I Have to Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Do I Have to Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Having your wisdom teeth removed may not be on your list of fun things to do, but it’s often a necessary procedure that gives you a lifetime of good oral health. 

At Advanced Care Dentistry, we can help patients determine if and when it’s time to have the wisdom teeth removed. You don’t have to undergo the procedure, especially if your wisdom teeth come in fully and fit correctly in your mouth. But for many people, the wisdom teeth create many oral health problems.

Here’s why you should consider having your wisdom teeth removed.

Wisdom teeth may become impacted or emerge only partly

In many cases, your wisdom teeth remain impacted — meaning they never emerge from the gums. These trapped teeth put you at great risk of infection, cysts, and teeth damage.

Sometimes, wisdom teeth start to break through the gums, but stop because they don’t have enough room. It’s hard to keep these partially emerged teeth clean, putting you at serious risk of infection, gum disease, and tooth decay. 

Wisdom teeth can lead to teeth crowding

Just because your wisdom teeth came in doesn’t mean there was enough room for them. They can push up against your existing teeth, crowd them, and cause orthodontic problems. You may end up with a distorted looking bite and pain from the pressure. 

Wisdom teeth are hard to keep clean

You don’t have to remove your wisdom teeth if they grow in completely, aren’t affecting other teeth, and can keep them clean as part of your daily brushing and flossing routine. That last task can be hard as the wisdom teeth are set very far back in your mouth in a hard-to-reach place. 

Oftentimes, you think you can keep your wisdom teeth pristine, but find it isn’t true and they become infected with bacteria. Instead of having your wisdom teeth removed early on, they just have to be removed later down the line.

Wisdom teeth are easiest to remove when you’re younger

The team at Advanced Care Dentistry evaluate the position and health of your wisdom teeth to determine if you should have them removed early on — before they emerge from your gums. 

Early removal means the bones haven’t fully formed yet, so surgery is less complicated, and you have a chance to heal faster. 

It’s a good idea to have your wisdom teeth removed before they start causing problems. 

There are cases in which you MUST have your wisdom teeth removed

While crowding, decay, and impaction are future issues you may encounter with your wisdom teeth, certain symptoms mean your wisdom teeth are already causing problems. 

If your wisdom teeth cause pain in the back of your jaw or you develop cysts or tumors around these molars, it may indicate infection. The gum behind your last lower tooth is particularly vulnerable.

If damage occurs to nearby teeth or you develop gum disease or serious tooth decay, removal is a must. If you have any of these symptoms, consult our team right away. 

Thye team at Advanced Care Dentistry is committed to your oral health. Call Advanced Care Dentistry or reach out via this website to have your wisdom teeth evaluated so they can tell you the best way to proceed with removal. 

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