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Restore Your Smile with Realistic Dentures

Restore Your Smile with Realistic Dentures

You may have lost teeth due to trauma, decay, or disease. Whether you’re missing an entire arc, several in a row, or a few in sporadic spots, dentures are a fantastic smile restoration option. 

At Advanced Care Dentistry, we are proud to offer dentures that look and feel very much like your natural teeth. We evaluate your gum, tooth, and jaw bone health to determine the option that’s best for you. Rest assured, though, that we will get you a beautiful, confident smile. 

Dentures have improved

Dentures are false teeth. In the past, dentures were notorious for looking “fake.” Their coloration didn’t match your natural teeth and skin hue. They were oddly uniform in shape and size. Plus, the dentures would slip and slide, interfering with speech and chewing.

Today’s dentures have vastly improved. They’re customized to blend into your natural coloring. Some dentures are made from your own smile imprint to match the shape and proportion of your teeth. 

Dentures are also anchored more sturdily than they were in the past, so you can be confident in your smile.

Types of dentures

The type of denture you choose depends on your gum and bone health, how many teeth you have missing, and your personal preferences.

Complete or partial dentures

Complete or partial dentures consist of sturdy, prosthetic teeth attached to a gum-colored base that suctions to your gums. 

Complete dentures replace an entire row while partial dentures feature only the teeth that you’re missing to fill in gaps. Artificial teeth sit side-by-side with your natural teeth to complete your smile.

Implant-supported dentures

Implant-supported dentures are sturdy, natural looking, and extremely functional. They are anchored by titanium posts placed directly into your jawbone. The row of prosthetic teeth clip right onto the implants to give you a sturdy replacement for natural teeth. 

Implant-supported dentures stay put, so you don’t have to worry about slippage when you smile. Plus, the implants stimulate your jaw bone to prevent premature deterioration.

Implant-supported dentures require in-office dental surgery to place the posts. You then wait about three months for the posts to be assimilated into your jaw. You’ll receive natural-looking temporary (or immediate) dentures while you wait. Immediate dentures are made from an impression of your teeth, but are ready to wear as soon as your teeth are removed.

How do I choose?

The dental team at Advanced Care Dentistry helps you determine the type of denture that’s best for you. They’ll consider your overall oral health and how many teeth you need replaced. 

People who have gum disease or poor bone health may not be able to receive implant-supported dentures without bone or gum grafting. These are additional surgeries that do support your overall health, but do require more time before you get your complete smile. 

If you’re missing just one or two teeth, your dental team may recommend single implants to replace the missing tooth. A singular implant consists of the metal post implanted into your jaw bone that’s affixed with a permanent crown.

To find out more about your options to restore a complete, natural smile, contact Advanced Care Dentistry today. Call the friendly staff at our office or reach out via this website to set up an appointment.

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