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Three Tips to Help Keep Your Smile Healthy and Beautiful During the Holidays

Three Tips to Help Keep Your Smile Healthy and Beautiful During the Holidays

Your oral health is important to your overall wellness. The holidays are not a time to slack when it comes to care for your teeth and gums. You want a beautiful, gleaming smile when you meet up with family and friends.

Sugary treats, busy schedules, and festive drinks, all pose a challenge to your oral health at this time of year. But with a few simple steps, you can keep your smile bright, healthy, and photo-ready through all the holiday cheer.

Read on for three tips from us here at Advanced Care Dentistry to help you keep your smile beautiful during the holidays.

1. Be smart with sweets and other treats

Holiday sweets are certainly tempting and plentiful in the winter months, but too much sugar can lead to tooth decay. Sugary foods encourage the growth of bacteria in your mouth, producing acids that wear away at tooth enamel. 

Sticky treats like caramel and fudge can cling to teeth long after you’ve finished them, increasing the risk of cavities.

Enjoy holiday treats in moderation to protect your teeth, and try to eat them with meals rather than snacking throughout the day. This way, you’ll produce more saliva to help wash away sugars and food particles. 

If you do indulge, try to brush or at least rinse your mouth with water afterward to reduce the sugar buildup on your teeth.

2. Stay hydrated to protect your teeth

Many of us raise a glass filled with festive drinks around the holidays, such as hot cocoa, wine, and cider. Unfortunately, many of these beverages are high in sugar and acidity, which can weaken enamel and cause staining. Staying hydrated with water can help ease these effects and keep your mouth feeling fresh.

For every sugary or acidic drink you consume, have a glass of water to rinse away the acids and sugars. Not only will this help reduce staining, but it will also keep your mouth hydrated and boost saliva production, which is essential for fighting bacteria.

3. Stick to your oral care routine

Busy schedules that include parties that run into the night can tempt you to skip your brushing and flossing routine. But sticking to your oral hygiene habits is essential for keeping your teeth and gums healthy during the holidays.

Make it a priority to brush twice daily and floss once daily, especially after big meals or sugary treats. If you’re traveling, pack a travel toothbrush, floss, and a small toothpaste to stay on track. Your future self will thank you with a clean, healthy smile when you head into the new year.

Do your best to keep appointments for routine cleanings and dental check-ups scheduled during the holidays, too.

The team at Advanced Care Dentistry wishes you all the joy this holiday season. We're here for you if you need care, no matter the time of year. Call Advanced Care Dentistry or use this website to book an appointment. 

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