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Tips for Adjusting to Life With Dentures

Dentures restore the smiles of about 15% of the American population. If all of those people can adjust to wearing them, so can you. It takes patience, however.

Andrew Keith, DDS and Thomas O. Marx, DDS, MSD and the team at Advanced Care Dentistry in Woodinville, Washington offer up the following tips to help you adjust to your new dentures and enjoy your new smile.

Start soft at mealtime

When you switch to dentures, a task as easy as eating becomes a whole new experience. Food can easily get stuck in the spaces surrounding dentures and biting into hard foods can make your dentures slip out of place.

When you first start wearing your dentures, opt for a soft food diet. Mashed potatoes, eggs, yogurt, and puddings are much easier to manage during this adjustment period. Do plan out a list that includes a variety of foods so you get all your nutrition.

An extra bonus is that soft foods are more gentle on your gums, which can get irritated as you adjust to dentures.

After a few weeks, you can start to reintroduce harder foods. Take small bites and chew thoroughly when you do venture off your soft foods diet.

Suck on candy

Although candy is often discouraged by your dentist, when you have dentures hard candy may be just what you need to help you adjust. New dentures can make your mouth salivate more, especially at first. If you suck on a hard piece of candy, it helps you to swallow more naturally.

Attend to sore spots

It’s inevitable that your new dentures will create sore spots within your mouth. These sore spots are normal, but uncomfortable. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to reduce inflammation and irritation. If the soreness persists for more than a few days, gets worse, or is unbearable, call our office as we may need to make a fit adjustment.

Practice speaking

Speaking with dentures can be challenging until you get accustomed to their fit. Practice speaking at home so you feel confident when you do go out with your dentures. Read books or magazines out loud for practice and consciously relax your face muscles when you speak.

Experiment with adhesives

Adhesives keep your dentures in their proper place in your mouth. So many types are available currently, it can be difficult to know which one is best. Our staff can make recommendations, but don’t be afraid to try a variety of brands and formulas until you determine which one is best for you.

Expect it to take at least 30 days to feel comfortable with your dentures so that you can enjoy most of your favorite activities. It may take a little longer if you recently had your teeth extracted or you have a full row of teeth replaced.

If you continue to feel discomfort after when you feel you should have adjusted to the dentures, call Advanced Care Dentistry so we can check your fit and ensure your mouth is healing correctly. 

And if you need help with any other dental or oral health concerns, call Advanced Care Dentistry in Woodinville, WA or schedule a consultation online. We’re here to help the health of your teeth and so much more. 

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