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 What Oral Health Issues Can Missing Teeth Cause?

 What Oral Health Issues Can Missing Teeth Cause?

Missing teeth can make you self-conscious about your smile. They can also have a serious impact on the health of your mouth. At Advanced Care Dentistry, Thomas O. Marxen, DDS, MSD, we want you to understand how significantly missing teeth impact your oral health and what you can do about it. 

Read on to learn more. 

Bone loss in the jaw

Missing teeth lead to bone loss in the jaw, a condition known as bone resorption. Teeth provide the necessary stimulation to maintain healthy bone density. When you lose a tooth, the lack of stimulation causes the bone in that area to deteriorate over time. This bone loss can lead to a sunken facial appearance, making you look older than you are. 

Inadequate jaw bone density can also affect future dental procedures like implants, as sufficient bone is needed to anchor them securely.

Shifting of surrounding teeth

Your teeth rely on each other to maintain alignment. When you’re missing a tooth, the adjacent teeth may shift into the gap over time. This movement can cause misalignment, leading to bite issues. 

Misaligned teeth are harder to clean, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Bite problems can also cause discomfort, headaches, and even jaw pain.

Increased risk of gum disease

Gaps left by missing teeth can become traps for food particles and bacteria. Over time, this buildup can lead to plaque and tartar formation, increasing your risk of gum disease. 

Gum disease, if left untreated, can turn into periodontitis, a severe condition that can lead to further tooth loss and even affect your overall health. Studies have shown a link between gum disease and other health issues, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Difficulty chewing and digestive issues

Teeth are important in breaking down food into smaller, more manageable pieces for digestion. Missing teeth can make chewing difficult, leading to poor food choices or improper chewing. 

Larger, inadequately chewed pieces of food are harder for the stomach to break down, which can lead to digestive problems. You might also experience nutritional deficiencies because you tend to avoid certain foods that are harder to eat, limiting your intake of essential nutrients.

Speech problems

Teeth make it possible for you to speak clearly. They help control airflow and position the tongue correctly to produce specific sounds. Missing teeth can affect your ability to pronounce certain words or sounds. This can affect your confidence and willingness to engage in conversations, impacting social interactions and overall communication.

What to do about missing teeth

Come see us at Advanced Care Dentistry to address your missing teeth. Whether through dental implants, bridges, or dentures, replacing missing teeth can restore your smile, oral health, and overall well-being.

If you have missing teeth, don’t wait to reach out to our office. Call Advanced Care Dentistry or use this website to book an appointment.

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