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Nicole's Makeover


One glance at Nicole's "before" smile and it's clear why her goal of working as a dental assistant was on hold. Yet that's exactly the job she envisioned after high school - when she completed a dental training program on the Eastside. Dental office employees typically have picture perfect teeth. Years of neglecting her teeth and some unhealthy life choices had all but ended Nicole's ambitions.

In early 2018, Nicole was feeling the weight of losing a productive career and she was also concerned about the impact on her young son. At her point of despair and need, she found willing advocates at a local church who envisioned a smile makeover...and a bright future. After sharing her story, Nicole connected with a church member who also happens to be one of the most skilled and dedicated dentists in Western Washington - yes, Dr. Tom Marxen. Tom was touched by Nicole's story and the power of second chances. 

Evaluating Nicole's oral health and dental needs, Tom realized that a full makeover of upper and lower teeth was required. The process was neither quick nor easy, but the end result is absolutely life-changing for Nicole. 

"Never in my life did I think that anything like this could happen," Nicole shared. "I'm ecstatic! I'm on top of the world."

Tom and the team at Advanced Care Dentistry performed a complex series of crown replacements for Nicole in 2018. To fully appreciate the quality of the work, see Nicole's "after" photo.


Advanced Care Dentistry
13515 NE 175th Street, Suite B
Woodinville, WA 98072
Phone: 425-483-2442
Fax: 425-485-0764

Office Hours

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